Perkins Student Loans

The Perkins Student Loans are federally guaranteed student loans that are given to the college that you are going to. Perkins Student Loans are low-interest; long-term loans that are specially created for students who really need help pay their way through college. With Perkins Student Loans you don’t need a co-signer to be approved and there is no credit check, so even if you don’t have good credit, you can still be approved. If you are enrolled at least as a half-time student, the government will pay your interest rate for as long as you are enrolled in school. When it comes time to start paying your monthly loan payments, you would have saved thousands of dollars.

Perkins Student Loans give students that are going to school to become a teacher; you may be qualified for a teacher loan cancellation loan. What this means is that the Federal Government will cancel and pay for your Perkins Student Loan; you won’t have to pay anything. What you have to do is to fill out an application that holds your Perkins Student Loan, and they will then determine if you qualify or if you don’t. What you need to be able to qualify for your Perkins Student Loan to be canceled and paid for completely are:

  • You must teach children, special-education students or students with disabilities
  • Teach one of the following subject areas: Speech and Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, Psychological and Counseling Services, Occupational Therapy, Audiology, or Recreational Therapy
  • You must be teaching in a school that has a lot of low-income students
  • You must be teaching a subject that doesn’t have too many teachers that are qualified to teach, such as: math, science or a foreign language

These are just a few reasons why the Perkins Student Loan is one of the best student loans you can choose from.